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Autolayout like a pirate
crush out constraints pirate style with NSLayoutAnchor

The Zen of Swift Optionals
Swift Optionals allow anyone to write bulletproof programs by embracing uncertainty

iOS 9 Spotlight Shines
Introduction to the power and possibility of new iOS 9 Search APIs
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The many ways of iOS
How many ways are there to do something on iOS?

Estimate like a professional
Provide software estimates with confidence; like a professional

UIVisualEffects in 10mins
iOS8 UIVisualEffects description, code examples

One .each func to rule them all
Swift v1 implementation of an "each" function

Easy Core Data Observer
Presentation showing how to create a simple observer for Core Data changes

Core Data and OCMock
Testing Core Data with OCmock. Code and tutorial examples explained

OCMock Test Origami
Walkthrough of OCMock and how mocking features can be applied to common test scenarios

Slim XCTest Targets
For fast builds, ensure test-targets are properly configured

Chief Technical Gardener
CTO responsibilities are much like caring for a garden

Apps have blueprints too
Don't rush off to code, but take the time to plan through interative design.

Clean Coder Notes
Collection of notes taken during a re-reading of Uncle Bob's classic The Clean Coder

Run Run Run NSRunLoop
Use NSRunLoop and async operations within a cmdline ObjC program.

Git for everyone. A non-technical introduction
Explanation of Git for non developers using soup as an analogy for version control

Objective-C method metaprogramming
A simple introduction to the world of meta-programming in Objective-C. Code provided which illustrates howto metaprogram dynamic instance and class methods

iOS Core Data Prepopulation
Step by step instructions describing howto prepopulate CoreData and sqlite.

Effective web API testing on iOS
Head the the dog park and test network code with this sample project

Coffeescript and QR Codes
Generate beautiful, colored QRCodes with Coffescript and HTML5 SVG