I’ve been playing around with the Twitter Tools library for Python after being inspired by Vivek Haldar’s post:

My bot is fairly simple and is currently hosted on my github [here][2]. Instead of using Eliza for psychoanalysis conversation, I decided to go with Cleverbot as an alternative. Cleverbot has it’s own Python API [which is pretty fun][3].

The SpeakingSecret bot is hosted on my laptop, so she might always be available for divination depending on astral connections. Be patient..

Going further, the Python Natural Language Toolkit

I’ve just started delving into the powerful NLTK to give this bot it’s own brain. Hooking it up to an AI like Cleverbot is fun, but I ultimately intend to create a pluggable interface that will allow different bot personalities to interact with those seeking wisdom on Twitter.

[%2B] Python NLTK: [Project Page][4]

[%2B] Great book on Python NLTK and the subject matter in general. [(Amazon)][5]

[%2B] [Twitter Tools][6]

[%2B] SpeakingSecret on [Twitter][7]

[]: http://blog.vivekhaldar.com/post/2830035130/how-to-write-a-twitter-bot-in-python [2]: https://github.com/zmcartor/SpeakingSecret [3]: http://code.google.com/p/pycleverbot/ [4]: http://www.nltk.org/ [5]: http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Language-Processing-Python-Steven/dp/0596516495/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1304910337&sr=8-1 [6]: http://mike.verdone.ca/twitter/ [7]: http://twitter.com/#!/speakingsecret